Secretly Healthy Yet Delectable Popsicles

How do you get your kids to eat the recommended five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day when most of the adults you know don't even get that much? SAD-ly, the Standard American Diet is rife with processed, sugar-laden food, and our health and mental state is suffering as a result. To battle this unfortunate situation we Americans are facing (and now it's spreading), I have devised simple ways to sneak in nutritious food where I can, without it being detected and therefore rejected.

One of the easiest ways you can get your kids (or yourself) to eat veggies, is by combining it with foods they already love. My kids adore fruit, especially in smoothies, so I took it one step further and created an easy at home recipe that combines their love of sweet with their nutritional needs of green leafy vegetables. What makes this recipe even easier, is that the secret healthy ingredient comes from the leftover juice pulp of your morning green juice!

I try to make a green juice every day, and I never throw out the pulp. There is far too much healthy fiber and nutrients leftover to be dumped in the trash. This pulp can be put into soups, sprinkled in tea, or in this case, added to a fruit blend.


  • 1 ripe avocado (mashed)

  • 3 tablespoons juice pulp mix: kale, lemon, ginger, pear, cucumber

  • 1/3 cup diced pineapple

  • 1 banana

  • 1/3 cup chopped strawberries

  • popscicle molds


In a high-speed blender mix in the avocado, pineapple, banana, and strawberries until creamy and smooth. Add in the  juice pulp and blend again. Spoon the mixture into the popsicle molds and place in the freezer until solid. Enjoy!