Talking to Your Kids About SEX with Author of "Making a Baby" Rachel Greener


The dreaded sex talk, how soon is too soon? Experts in the field of sex education tout that we should be talking to our kids about their bodies as soon as they can talk. Yet many parents are not having those conversations. In fact, a 2019 study stated that 63% of the teen boys reported that their parents had never talked with them about contraception, and 44% of the teen girls said the same. But talking to our kids about sex shouldn't elicit dread, it's actually a great way to begin an ongoing conversation about relationships, body parts, boundaries, respect, privacy and consent. 

In this episode I'm speaking with author and book editor Rachel Greener about her new book "Making a Baby", an unabashed and unapologetic portrayal of who we are, how we came to be, and how families are made. It answers the age old “Where did I come from” question as well as all young reader’s questions about their life in full detail, from conception to birth, and how they were able to join their family.

MAKING A BABY shows that since there’s more than one way to make a baby, there is more than one way to make a family – whether babies are born through fertilization, IVF, IUI, adoption, or surrogacy; proving above all that families can be made from anywhere and with anyone.

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