Professional Teeth Whitening, Worth It?

Research shows that one of the biggest indicators of health are your skin and your teeth! I mean really, how many times have you thought someone was insanely attractive because of these two factors alone? It’s true, humans subconsciously determine health and beauty from these attributes so it’s definitely something you want to stay on top of to look and feel your absolute best.

Today I had the pleasure of visiting Atlanta Smiles and Wellness on Stop 3 of the 2020 Vision of Beauty Tour I was selected to be a part of thanks to Best Self Atlanta Magazine, and I felt immediately at home. Founder Dr. Giesler and her business partner Dr. Kovich have created a welcoming, almost spa-like feel to their practice and I left feeling much more relaxed than I came.

For my visit I did the Philips Zoom Whitening procedure. Before getting started, Dr. Kovich came in to examine my teeth, even checking for cancer. She allayed any fears of whitening, citing the research that it’s the dental pores becoming rehydrated, not tooth damage, that causes most people’s pain from whitening.

My beautiful and attentive tech, Gloria, took impressions for my customized take-home trays, and then got me ready for the procedure. She outfitted me with expanders and gauze to protect my gums, applied the gel, and turned on the Phillips UV light. Each of the three total rounds was 15 minutes and in between, Gloria would suction off the old gel and apply a new layer.

It was honestly so relaxing, but the best part was the reveal! My teeth were so much whiter and I had zero pain!

Before leaving, I was given instructions to eat a white diet for the next two days (basically nothing that could stain my teeth like coffee or berries) and my take home whitening kit to be used nightly for the next two weeks.

I really had such a pleasant visit, I’m so grateful for the opportunity to visit amazing businesses like these and share their work with you! Also, I noticed while I was there that they are doing a special on the Zoom Whitening procedure, so if you’re curious or just want a sparking white smile, book a visit with Atlanta Smiles and Wellness ASAP!